Monday, 11 June 2007

Web 2.0 Awards

The Web 2.0 Awards site was a revelation. In the subject categories I first of all checked out Hosted Wikis. They rated Wetpaint ahead of PBWiki. Now that we have some experience of the Wiki in Blackboard this provides a nice comparison. I found Wetpaint more straight forward than PBWiki. I found the peanut butter in PBWiki a bit too corny!

ECU Library should investigate using Wetpaint to develop a Wiki. It provides a pleasant looking interface and is easy to master.

Then, under the caterory of Books I looked at LibraryThing and joined this. The introduction says its purpose is to “Connect with people who read similar books to you, and get suggestions as to what you should read next”. Joined added my book which only 7 others had added, as its quite a new Australian novel.

I then discovered the Australian LibraryThingers. "A group for everyone who connects with Australia (residents, expats, lovers of Australian literature) and who are part of the LibraryThing collective". So that was a good find, as the rest of LibraryThing is quite US oriented. I'll explore more when I have some more time. (famous last words!)

1 comment:

Kevin said...

We're really glad you found Wetpaint so easy to use. Please let us know if there is anything more we should be working on to make the experience even better.

